Hardwood Flooring Installation

Hardwood flooring is a great way to improve the look and value of your home. We, at Carpet Advantage, offer a variety of installation options depending on your budget and lifestyle.

Professional installation is important to make sure your new flooring looks the way you want it to look and wears as expected. A professional installer will have experience with different types of hardwood flooring, and the specialized skills required for a successful installation. It’s also important to remember that a professionally installed hardwood floor will more likely be covered by your manufacturer’s warranty.  


Installation methods vary depending on the width, thickness and construction of the flooring, as well as where the floor is installed. Solid hardwood flooring can be stapled, nailed or glued to a subfloor layer, though it’s not recommended for use below the grade line of your property, because it tends to react to changes in temperature and humidity. Engineered hardwood can be installed almost anywhere, since it has no issues with seasonal changes in climate. This makes it a great choice for use in basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.  

Preparation is important for a successful hardwood flooring installation. You should consult with your Webb Carpet flooring specialist for full instructions, but there are steps you can take to help the process go smoothly.  

  1. You may have to remove your existing flooring to make a suitable installation surface for your new hardwood. This process will be different depending on the existing flooring; extra care may be required if your previous flooring is glued down or set in tile adhesive. Having this work done professionally can be a huge help to the installation process, since a professional will know what “ready” looks like, will be able to provide a smooth, level surface, and may be able to assist with the disposal of your old flooring.  


  1. The room where your new hardwood will be installed must be completely empty of furniture. Consider hiring a moving service for large or heavy items. A professional moving team can empty a room or even a whole house quickly. This can cut down the amount of time you have to live without your furniture to as little as a single day at each end of the job. It’s also a good idea to take down photos or other items hanging on the wall, as these can be damaged during the installation of your hardwood flooring. 
  • An adult member of your household (age 18 or older) should greet your installation crew upon arrival and show them to the work area.
  • You should receive a walkthrough of the job from the lead installer, so you can have a clear idea of what the process will involve. You should feel free to ask them any questions you have about the job.
  • Keep children and pets away from the work area for the duration of the job to ensure their safety and help keep the job going smoothly.
  • Stay off your new floors for the required amount of time after the job is done. Any stain or varnish that has been applied will need time to cure properly. The lead installer will be able to advise you on how long this will take.
  • Open windows for ventilation if the smell of the varnish or stain bothers you.