Hardwood Flooring Installation

Hardwood flooring is a great way to improve the look and value of your home. We, at Carpet Advantage, offer a variety of installation options depending on your budget and lifestyle.

Professional installation is important to make sure your new flooring looks the way you want it to look and wears as expected. A professional installer will have experience with different types of hardwood flooring, and the specialized skills required for a successful installation. It’s also important to remember that a professionally installed hardwood floor will more likely be covered by your manufacturer’s warranty.  


Installation methods vary depending on the width, thickness and construction of the flooring, as well as where the floor is installed. Solid hardwood flooring can be stapled, nailed or glued to a subfloor layer, though it’s not recommended for use below the grade line of your property, because it tends to react to changes in temperature and humidity. Engineered hardwood can be installed almost anywhere, since it has no issues with seasonal changes in climate. This makes it a great choice for use in basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.